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I have been learning some new watercolours tricks with amazing artist and childhood friend Maribel Mesa when I was in Spain a few monhts ago. Do not miss what she is up to. Always surprising new panitings @maribelmesa52. Some of… Read More »Watercolours

Arts on track

Arts on Track Society has recently been created . We have set up studios and gallery at the iconic building of Plimmerton Railway Station. Opening event is Sunday 28th April for 10am to 2 pm. We will be open… Read More »Arts on track

Learning indigo dyeing

Thanks to Deb Donnelly ( and Tutere Gallery ( I have learnt some indigo dyeing techniques. It was lots of fun!!

plimmerton Xmas fair

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I ecoprinted some cotton t-shirts for Plimmerton Community Xmas Market last Sunday. Some of the pieces will be in my Ecoprinting Textiles Page soon, once I have good light to photograph them. Here is a early peek.


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Hi there, welcome to mi art web site. Here I want to share with you what I am up. I have recently learnt to create collagraph prints. I am exhibiting two of them at the Inverlochy Art School End… Read More »Hello/Hola